WASP Digital is a leading Managed IT Services Provider in Sub-Saharan Africa, specializing in digital solutions. Over the past decade, we have successfully transformed several workplace environments in the public and private sectors.

We have a highly focused portfolio of digital infrastructure, cloud & connectivity services, workflow automation, security solutions, & communication platform which will transform your office into a digital workplace. Our solutions provide the linkages between your workforce, workflow, workspace, and workplace thereby ensuring optimum efficiency, full mobility, and ensuring the highest levels of data security. This will enable your digital-first strategy allowing mobile access anytime, anywhere.

We Provide IT solutions that transform organizations from SME to Enterprise level. Our range of managed services bridges the skills gap that might be holding your business back from achieving its growth objectives. 

The key to growth lies in the ability to enhance your current infrastructure with the ability to gather, analyze and protect data for maximum business value. As such, our business and enterprise solutions will assist your organization to embrace the benefits of digital transformation.

WASP Digital